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Innovating Science Production of Biodiesel, Small Group Learning
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A hands-on, small group green chemistry activity is a perfect addition to your science program.
About This Item
In this activity, students will be performing a two-phase process to produce small batches of crude biodiesel. The crude biodiesel produced is of sufficient quality for use in the demonstration of the burning qualities of both biodiesel and vegetable oil. Included is an optional small-scale exercise where the students will use a washing procedure for the crude biodiesel if you wish to have the students experience the full process of producing biodiesel to meet quality levels necessary for use in vehicles. This kit has all of the materials needed for 5 groups, including a teacher's manual and student study guide copy masters.Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
- Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A; PS1.B
- Performance Expectations: MS-PS1-2; MS-PS1-3; HS-PS1-2
- Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns; structure and function
- Engineering Practices: Analyzing and interpreting data; obtaining, evaluating and communicating information
- Containers with Sealable Caps Large Enough to Hold 200ml of Liquid (if performing the washing process)
- Distilled Water (if performing the washing process)
Kit Includes:
- Two 500mL Vegetable Oil
- Five 25mL Methyl Alcohol
- One 10g Potassium Hydroxide
- Two Microburners
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Grade Level:
Adult Post Secondary
Contains No Allergens
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