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Horizon Renewable Energy Education Set
About This Item
Horizon Renewable Energy Education Set ideal for grades 6 - 12 is designed to illustrate the workings of a complete clean energy technology system on a miniature scale. Modular experiment set containing small-scale wind turbine, solar cell, fuel cells as well as loads includes enough hardware, software and curriculum content for 4 - 5 students to share and to run 40 hrs of classroom activities.Features
- Small-scale wind turbine, solar cell, fuel cells and loads
- Enough hardware, software, and curriculum for 4-5 students to share
- Recommended age groups- K 6-12
- Contains enough curriculum content to run 40 hours of classroom activities
Wind Turbine Body, Rotor Head for Profiled Blades, (9) Profiled Blades for Turbine, Rotor Head Adapter for Sheet Blades, (3) Polypropylene Sheet Blades for Turbine, Rotor Unlocking Tool, Turbine Support Base, Aluminum Wind Turbine Post, Pem Electrolyzer, Pem Electrolyzer Base, Pem Fuel Cell, Pem Fuel Cell Base, Hydrogen Tank, Oxygen Tank, Inner Gas Containers, Circuit Board Module Base, 100 Ohm Variable Resistor Module, 1 Watt Solar Panel, Adaptors, Tubing Clincher & Purging Valve, Assembly Instructions, Cd with Curriculum Manuals, Water/gas Tank Module Base, Flexible 2mm Banana Connecting Leads, Transparent Silicon Tubing, Plastic Plug Pins for Electrolyzer, Battery Pack with Connecting Leads, Syringe, Motor and Fan Module Base, Propeller Blade, Small Car Wheel, Led Module Base
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Grade Level:
High School
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable