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United Scientific Properties of Materials Kit
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This unique kit allows students to make a wide range of investigations with only a small number of items.
About This Item
The combinations of items in the Properties of Materials Kit addresses the concepts of mass, volume, density, and specific gravity and extending to an exploration of buoyancy. Includes Set of 9 items.Features
- Investigate the mechanical properties of metal samples at an economical price
- Three measuring devices build familiarity with different measuring techniques
- Explore volume, mass, density, specific gravity and buoyancy
Includes one of each:
- Equal Volume Metal Cylinders Set; Aluminum, Copper, Steel
- Equal Mass Metal Cylinders Set; Aluminum, Copper, Steel
- Measuring Cylinders, 100 mL
- Spring Scale, 2.5 N / 250 g
- Vernier Calipers, Stainless Steel
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Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
12 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12