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Teacher Created Materials TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text Readers Set 2, Grade 3, Set of 10, Spanish
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Motivate students to read by providing them with engaging, high-interest material that they can relate to.
About This Item
Teacher Created Materials "TIME FOR KIDS" Informational Text Readers Spanish Set 2 is ideal for grade 3 and allow a transition to upper level reading. Set contains 10 books with each book featuring challenging text and vocabulary with high quality photos and graphics. Each book has 28 to 32 pages and aligns to the common core standards.Features
- High interest content from TIME For Kids
- Alignment to Common Core State Standards
- Variety of text structures and Academic and domain-specific vocabulary
- Complex informational text aligned to the content areas
- Identical set available in English
- Un día en la vida de una bailarina (A Day in the Life of a Ballet Dancer)
- Juegos alrededor del mundo (Games Around the World)
- ¡Todos a bordo! Como funcionan los trenes (All Aboard! How Trains Work)
- Reptiles y anfibios reptantes (Slithering Reptiles and Amphibians)
- Excavar: Una obra de construcción (Big Digs: Construction Site)
- Selva Amazónica (Amazon Rainforest)
- La exploración del espacio (Space Exploration)
- El sistema digestivo (The Digestive System)
- ¡Pégale! Historia de herramientas (Hit It! History of Tools)
- Roberto Clemente (Spanish Version)
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