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Teacher Created Resources Power Pen Learning Cards, Money, Grades 1 to 4
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Set of 53 cards have addition problems on both sides, giving students 106 money problems to solve.
About This Item
Practice and reinforce important math skills with these money learning cards. Includes 53 (5-1/2 x 3-1/2 inch) double-sided practice cards, instructions, and answer key cards! Help students practice addition, subtraction, identifying and counting money, making change and estimating cost The Power Pen is sold separately and offers students immediate feedback.Features
- Identify coins and bills, and find the same amount in different denominations
- Count to find what amount is shown and compare different amounts of money
- Make change and find what can be bought with a certain amount of money
- Compatible with Power Pen, pen sold separately
- Power Pen gives student immediate feedback with an audio and visual response
- 1 Set of 53 Learning Cards
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Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 4
Contains No Allergens