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Teacher Created Materials Let's Map It! Set, Grades K to 2, Set of 6
About This Item
Be prepared before you embark on your next journey with Let's Map It! Early readers will discover the importance of maps and how to follow a map with these books featuring primary source documents and photographs, highlighted content-area vocabulary and engaging sidebars. This 6-book collection builds social studies knowledge, provides multiple texts around a common theme and is aligned to the Common Core and other state standards. Guided Reading Level: A-L. Lexile Level: BR-510L.Features
- Increasingly complex text aligned to social studies
- High-interest graphics engage sidebar
- Variety of text structures
- Academic- and domain specific vocabulary
- Title: Let's Map It!
- Number of Pages: 24 - 32
Titles include: Map It!; Follow That Map; Getting Around Town; Getting Around School; Mapping Our Nation; and Mapping Our World
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