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Innovating Science STEM Engineering and Exploring Your Own Enteric Coated Drugs Kit
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A hands-on, classroom activity is a perfect addition to your science program.
About This Item
In this lab, students will learn the basic structures and pathway of the digestive system and understand the different functions of the stomach and the small intestine in regard to digestion. They will investigate how the properties of different enteric coatings react in different sections of the digestive system. Next, they will explore the purpose of an enteric coating and make a simulated "coating" and engineer a coating most suitable for certain pharmaceutical needs. This lab was written by a Biomedical Engineer and has enough materials for 15 groups. Includes teacher's manual and student guide.Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
- Disciplinary Core Ideas: ETS1.A; ETS1.B; LS1.A; ETS1.C
- Performance Expectations: MS-LS1-3; MS-LS1-7; MS-ETS1-1; MS-ETS1-2; MS-ETS1-3; MS-ETS1-4; HS-LS1-2; HS-ETS1-2
- Cross Cutting Concepts: Energy and matter; influence of science, engineering and technology on society and the natural world; systems and system models
- Engineering Practices: Developing and using models; asking questions and defining problems; analyzing and interpreting data; engaging in argument from evidence; constructing explanations and designing solutions
DOT Info:- UN1824, Sodium hydroxide solution, 8, II, Ltd Qty
- UN1219, Isopropanol, 3, II, Ltd Qty
Kit Includes:
- 1 x 200mL Isopropyl Alcohol, 99%
- 1 x 34g Shellac Orange Flakes
- 1 x 4g Alginic Acid Sodium Salt
- 2 x 25mL Hydrochloric Acid, 10M
- 1 x 150mL Sodium Hydroxide, 10M
- 2 Aspirin Tablets, Enteric-coated
- 2 Aspirin Tablets, Regular
- 50 Cups, 5oz
- 30 Pipettes
- 45 Beads, White
- 1pkg Coverslips
- 15 Spot Plates
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Free Shipping:
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens