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PCS Edventures Discover Engineering Kit, Up to 4 Students
About This Item
PCS Edventures Discover Engineering is a comprehensive STEAM Education tool, perfect for introducing students to engineering concepts with twelve engaging hands-on activities. With each project students can develop new skills as they build confidence, explore various disciplines, and improve problem solving abilities. Designed to be fun and educational for students in grades 4-8, while remaining versatile and easy to use for educators. Each kit is intended for 1-4 students. Kit contains high-quality fischer technique components, sufficient to build any two models simultaneously. Kit also includes printed curriculum, printed building guide, and the new 3-dimensional interactive curriculum, the 3DIC?. With 3DIC, students can use tablets, or other technology to view digital step by step building instructions through interactive, video playback. With 3DIC, user has the ability to rotate model image, highlight individual pieces, and pause playback for careful inspection of assembly steps. Each Discover Engineering Kit includes 2 user licenses for the complete 3DIC-Discover Engineering (3DIC-DE).
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Free Shipping:
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
12 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 8