About This Item
Who do you call?! This toy telephone works like a real telephone to teach kids how, when, and who to call for any need big or small. Children ages 3 and up can practice memorizing and dialing important phone numbers, learning how to leave a voicemail message, and knowing how and when to call 9-1-1 for real emergencies. Plus, parents can even program in important telephone numbers themselves and record messages. . .and if your child correctly dials in the right 11-digit number, they will be rewarded by hearing your personal recorded voicemail message! Programmed numbers and new messages can be changed again and again for endless amounts of repetition and practice. Required 3 AA batteries (included). For ages 3 and up.Features
- Teaching telephone for kids helps children learn how to be confident and relaxed using telephone etiquette and how to effectively call home and the 911 Emergency Service
- Children will learn how to answer questions like "Where do you live?", "What is the emergency?" and "what is your name?" when practicing emergency phone calls
- Adults can preprogram their own 11-digit number and record a message, and child will hear the personalized pre-recorded voicemail message if he/she correctly dials in
- Realistic ringing sound and big buttons make phone feel realistic and easy to use for ages 3 and up
- Regular practice and talking on play phone will help kids rehearse social scripts and voice confidence when "calling" adults, peers, or services
- Notepaper Note Holder (2 x 3 Inch)
- AA Batteries
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Product Dimensions:
12 L x 11-7/9 W x 3-3/8 H in
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable
Grade Level:
Preschool-Early Childhood
No Choking Hazard

SUOM Description:
Age Range:
3+ years
Brand Name:
Pretend & Play
Teaching Telephone
Number Of Batteries:
Learning Resources Pretend & Play Teaching Telephone