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FOSS Next Generation Weather & Water Collection


The FOSS Weather and Water Course focuses on the phenomena of Earth’s atmosphere, weather, and water. The anchor phenomena is observable local weather conditions. The driving question for the course is what makes weather happen? Students will delve into phenomena that may seem unrelated to weather, including a dose of the disciplines of physics and chemistry. A good understanding of meteorology as an earth science isn’t complete without an introduction to concepts that cross into these disciplines.

Understanding weather is more than reading data from a weather center. Students need to grapple with ideas about atoms and molecules, changes of state, and energy transfer before they can launch into the bigger ideas involving air masses, fronts, convection cells and winds, the development of severe weather, and climate change.

Earth’s atmosphere is composed of gases, with nitrogen and oxygen the most abundant. But Earth wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for one keystone gas, water vapor, a relatively small and variable component of the atmosphere. Without water vapor and its liquid and solid forms, both on the surface and in the atmosphere, there would be no weather. There would be neither clouds nor precipitation. If precipitation didn’t occur, we wouldn’t have runoff to create the streams and rivers that erode mountains, deposit deltas, and replenish lakes and the ocean. An atmosphere without water vapor would be an alien and hostile place. The importance of water on Earth is a major element of this course.


FOSS Curriculum:

  • Allows students to be active investigators instead of passive learners
  • Is built around firsthand exploration of relevant phenomena using classroom-proven theories and practices to engage all students
  • Aligned to NGSS, Framework for K to 12 Science, and Common Core standards
  • Provides unmatched professional learning, including hands-on & virtual teacher workshops

Resources available in this collection include:

  • Comprehensive hands-on equipment kits made exclusively for FOSS
  • Investigations Guide (Teacher Edition Book) core instructional hardcover spiral-bound book provides educators with the support to successfully facilitate the investigations - available in print and digital
  • Teacher Resources with educative support to effectively teach standards - available in digital
  • FOSS Science Resources book (Student Edition Book) for students to build expository reading skills and highlight STEM careers - available in print and digital
  • Accessibility options to the interactive digital resources on the ThinkLink™ platform for effective planning and engaged learning
  • Spanish teaching and learning resources – available in print and digital
Item Price
Item #: 1558459
Item #: 1558494
Item #: 1558515
Item #: 1558508
Item #: 1602395
Item #: 1586499
Item #: 1558470