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FOSS Next Generation Planetary Science Collection


The FOSS Planetary Science Course focuses on the anchor phenomenon of Earth as an object in space. The driving question for the course is what is my cosmic address? Astronomy is the study of everything we can observe and imagine beyond Earth—the Moon, the Sun, the solar system, the Milky Way, and the vastness of the cosmos. Astronomers ask fundamental questions: When and where did the universe start? Why is it expanding? What is its destiny?

Astronomers endeavor to answer these questions by determining the kinds and numbers of objects in the cosmos, their composition, their motions, and their interactions with one another. Because Earth is part of this ultimate system, the science of astronomy includes the study of our own planet. Astronomers are the pioneers who travel back in time along paths of light reaching out to Earth from stars millions of light-years away. These celestial census takers and cartographers are creating an increasingly coherent picture of a universe abuzz with stars, many hosting families of orbiting planets.

And here we now stand on a small, rocky planet orbiting a typical star, in a typical galaxy, peering into the night sky with a sense of anticipation. There is a growing sense that we are probably not alone. Will we detect life in the universe in our lifetimes? When it does happen, those who share in the discovery will witness the opening of the next chapter in the amazing story of life.


FOSS Curriculum:

  • Allows students to be active investigators instead of passive learners
  • Is built around firsthand exploration of relevant phenomena using classroom-proven theories and practices to engage all students
  • Aligned to NGSS, Framework for K to 12 Science, and Common Core standards
  • Provides unmatched professional learning, including hands-on & virtual teacher workshops

Resources available in this collection include:

  • Comprehensive hands-on equipment kits made exclusively for FOSS
  • Investigations Guide (Teacher Edition Book) core instructional hardcover spiral-bound book provides educators with the support to successfully facilitate the investigations - available in print and digital
  • Teacher Resources with educative support to effectively teach standards - available in digital
  • FOSS Science Resources book (Student Edition Book) for students to build expository reading skills and highlight STEM careers - available in print and digital
  • Accessibility options to the interactive digital resources on the ThinkLink™ platform for effective planning and engaged learning
  • Spanish teaching and learning resources – available in print and digital
Item Price
Item #: 1558457
Item #: 1558513
Item #: 1558506
Item #: 1558468
Item #: 1602393
Item #: 1586497