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Kemtec Intro to Toxicology Forensic Kit
About This Item
Kemtec Intro to Toxicology Kit simulates authentic drug screening and helps to extract drugs from simulated urine using columns, elute the drugs, run them on chromatographic gels and use visualization techniques to identify the drugs. The lab may be done in four standard lab periods or two three hour lab periods and is easily separated into drug isolation and chromatography sections. Approximately fifty minutes is required for completing the thin layer chromatography and visualization process, which must be done all at one time. It is designed for 24 students working in six groups of four. It meets national standards for grade levels 10 - 12.- Instructor Manual
- Student Manual
- Note on Phenylpropanolamine
- Rf Value Cards Large
- Rf Value Cards Small
- Tox Elut Columns
- Dropper Bottles
- Silica Plates
- Capillary Tubes
- Pipet
- Acetone
- Methanol
- Simulated Urine
- Eluent
- Ethyl Acetate
- Ammonium Hydroxide
- Potassium Iodide Solution
- Methanol
- Chloroplantinic Solution
- Ninhydrin
- Diphenylcarbozone
- Mercuric Oxide
- Contac (Mucinex)
- Sudafed
- Caffedrine
- Dexatrim
- Quinine
- Sulfuric Acid Solution
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens