Image for FOSS Next Generation Insects & Plants Collection from School Specialty

FOSS Next Generation Insects & Plants Collection


In order to provide young students with indepth opportunities to experience the biodiversity on Earth, they will become naturalists and study insects and plants in and out of their classroom. The anchor phenomenon for this module is the natural history of common insects and their interactions with plants. The driving question for this module is what is the natural history of some plants and animals in different habitats?

Students build on their understanding of growth and development of plants and animals from grades K–1 by observing new organisms over time. Students see the life cycles of insects unfold in real time and compare the structures and functions exhibited by each species to reveal patterns. At the same time, students grow a flowering plant in the classroom. They gain experience with the ways that plants and insects interact in feeding relationships, pollination, and seed dispersal.

Throughout the Insects and Plants Module, students engage in science and engineering practices to collect and interpret data to answer science questions, develop natural history models to communicate interactions and processes, and define problems in order to develop solutions. Students gain experiences that will contribute to understanding of crosscutting concepts of patterns; cause and effect; structure and function; and stability and change.


FOSS Curriculum:

  • Allows students to be active investigators instead of passive learners
  • Is built around firsthand exploration of relevant phenomena using classroom-proven theories and practices to engage all students
  • Aligned to NGSS, Framework for K to 12 Science, and Common Core standards
  • Provides unmatched professional learning, including hands-on & virtual teacher workshops

Resources available in this collection include:

  • Comprehensive hands-on equipment kits made exclusively for FOSS
  • Investigations Guide (Teacher Edition Book) core instructional hardcover spiral-bound book provides educators with the support to successfully facilitate the investigations - available in print and digital
  • Teacher Resources with educative support to effectively teach standards - available in digital
  • FOSS Science Resources book (Student Edition Book) for students to build expository reading skills and highlight STEM careers - available in print and digital
  • Accessibility options to the interactive digital resources on the ThinkLink™ platform for effective planning and engaged learning
  • Spanish teaching and learning resources – available in print and digital
Item Price
Item #: 1487653
Item #: 1513088
Item #: 1508800
Item #: 1487699
Item #: 1487632
Item #: 1487641
Item #: 1511930
Item #: 1531707
Item #: 1459532
Item #: 1512817
Item #: 1512863
Item #: 1560870