Image for FOSS Next Generation Energy Collection from School Specialty

FOSS Next Generation Energy Collection


The Energy Module provides firsthand experiences in physical science dealing with the anchor phenomenon of energy. The five investigations focus on the concepts that energy is present whenever there is motion, electric current, sound, light, or heat, and that energy can transfer from one place to other. The driving question for the module is how does energy transfer between systems?

Students investigate electricity and magnetism as related effects and engage in engineering design while learning useful applications of electromagnetism in everyday life. Students conduct controlled experiments by incrementally changing variables to determine how to make an electromagnet stronger. They investigate how the amount of energy transfer changes when balls of different masses hit a stationary object. Students explore energy transfer through waves (repeating patterns of motion) that results in sound and motion. They gather information about how energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and how that affects the environment. They explore alternative sources of energy that use renewal resources.

Students interpret data from graphs to build explanations from evidence and make predictions of future events. They develop models to represent how energy moves from place to place in electric circuits and in waves. Students gain experiences that will contribute to the understanding of crosscutting concepts of patterns; cause and effect; systems and system models; and energy and matter.


FOSS Curriculum:

  • Allows students to be active investigators instead of passive learners
  • Is built around firsthand exploration of relevant phenomena using classroom-proven theories and practices to engage all students
  • Aligned to NGSS, Framework for K to 12 Science, and Common Core standards
  • Provides unmatched professional learning, including hands-on & virtual teacher workshops

Resources available in this collection include:

  • Comprehensive hands-on equipment kits made exclusively for FOSS
  • Investigations Guide (Teacher Edition Book) core instructional hardcover spiral-bound book provides educators with the support to successfully facilitate the investigations - available in print and digital
  • Teacher Resources with educative support to effectively teach standards - available in digital
  • FOSS Science Resources book (Student Edition Book) for students to build expository reading skills and highlight STEM careers - available in print and digital
  • Accessibility options to the interactive digital resources on the ThinkLink™ platform for effective planning and engaged learning
  • Spanish teaching and learning resources – available in print and digital
Item Price
Item #: 1487660
Item #: 1529841
Item #: 1521060
Item #: 1487706
Item #: 1487616
Item #: 1511931
Item #: 1521396
Item #: 1521397
Item #: 1558961