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Kemtec Biochemistry II
About This Item
Biochemistry II includes an entire course worth of classic biochemistry experiments presented at a more in-depth level than Kemtec's Biochemistry I. The kit introduces students to biochemistry techniques expanding across ten distinct topics. Includes: Determining the pH of Foods, Saliva, and Soil; Starch Determination, Sugar Determination, Fat Determination, Protein Determination, Amino Acid Determination, Pepsin Digestion of Protein, Amino Acid Detection using Ninhydrin, Effects of Varying Conditions on Salivary Amylase Activity, Modeling How Digestion Works, Determination of Ascorbic Acid Concentration, and Paper Chromatography of Various Dyes and Plant Pigments Using Different Solvents. Ideal for supporting higher level biology, nutrition, advanced general science, or biochemistry courses. Allow 8 - 10 hours of lab time. Designed for 24 students working in groups of four. Required, but not included: a hot plate or water bath, 50mL beakers, forceps, storage jars with caps, funnels, and food samples for testing.Instructor's manual, chromatography vials, Chromatography solvent solutions A, B, and C, chromatography paper, dialysis tubing, Benedict's solution, Biret solution, Hydrochloric acid, Sodium hydroxide, Starch, Glucose, Albumin, Pepsin, Ascorbic acid, Iodine solution, Sudan IV solution, Sodium bicarbonate solution, Acetone, Vegetable oil, Ninhydrin, 2, 6 Dichloroindophenol, Dye mixture, Amino acid mixture, pH paper, filter paper, plastic transfer pipets, and plastic loading pipets.
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Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12