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Molymod Molecular Geometry/VSEPR Model Kit
About This Item
Molymod Molecular Geometry/VSEPR Model Kit consists of an instructional leaflet, compartmentalized storage box, short link remover tool, 66 assorted atom centers, 50 gray medium links, 15 purple medium links and 6 short white links. It helps students grasp the abstract concepts of molecular geometry and valence shell electron pair repulsion theory. Each bonded electron pair is represented by a gray medium link, each lone pair by a purple medium link and short white link makes the cyanide group more easily distinguished. Kit includes sufficient internationally color-coded atom centers and bond links to construct 14 models of VSEPR shapes.Instructional Leaflet, Compartmentalized Storage Box, Short Link Remover Tool, (66) Assorted Atom Centers, (50) Gray Medium Links, (15) Purple Medium Links, and (6) Short White Links
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12
Number Of Pieces:
66 Atoms & 71 Links
Maximum Age:
12 years