Innovating Science Antimicrobial Properties of Essential Oils
Essential oils have been used for a variety of purposes throughout history for their scents, flavors, and pharmacological properties. Some oils are commonly used in cleaning products, but which ones are most effective? In this activity, students will perform the Kirby-Bauer test on a variety of essential oils to determine their antimicrobial efficacy. This kit includes enough materials for 15 groups of students, a Teacher's Manual, and a Student Study Guide copymaster.Features
Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)*
Disciplinary Core Ideas: LS1.A; LS1.B; LS2.A; LS2.C; LS4.B; LS4.D; ETS1.B
Performance Expectations: MS-LS1-5; MS-LS2-2; MS-LS2-5; HS-LS1-3; HS-LS2-2
Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns; Cause and Effect; Scientific Knowledge Assumes Order and Consistency in Natural Systems
Engineering Practices: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions; Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking; Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Scientific Knowledge is Based on Empirical Evidence
- 10 Milliliters Peppermint Oil with Dropper
- 10 Milliliters Lavender Oil with Dropper
- 10 Milliliters Cinnamon Oil with Dropper
- 10 Milliliters Lemon Oil with Dropper
- 10 Milliliters Balsam Oil with Dropper
- 2 Nutrient Agar, 200 Milliliters
- 3 Nutrient Broth Tubes
- 15 Sterile Cotton Swabs, 2-pack
- 20 Petri Dishes
- 2 Blank Sterile Disks, 50-pack
- 5 Forceps
Materials Needed but Not Supplied:
- Test Tube Racks
- Tape
- Markers
- Metric Rulers
- Hot Water Bath or Microwave Oven