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Innovation Science Physical Characteristics Of Gases Using Probeware
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An easy to execute experiment that helps demonstrate the characteristics of gases.
About This Item
The gas laws (Boyle’s, Charles’s and Gay-Lussc’s) are simple mathematical relationships between volume, temperature and pressure. By varying one component you can measure the effect on the other three. Gases are for the most part invisible, they cannot be observed as readily as a solid or liquid and are often examined and analyzed through some measureable physical characteristics of the gas. Properties such as volume, pressure, temperature, and moles (number of particles) are very important in describing gases. Equally important is the fact that these characteristics have some consistent mathematical relationships that led to the development of the gas laws and, eventually, the ideal gas law. Using the Innovating Science dispensers and your temperature and pressure sensors will enable your students to measure and plot measurable characteristics of gas. Includes Teachers manual and enough materials for 15 groups.Features
- 15 Gas Law Demonstration Apparatuses
- 15 Rubber Stoppers, 2-hole
- 15 Rubber Stoppers, 1-hole
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