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Kemtec AP* Determining Molar Mass by Colligative Properties Chemistry Kit
About This Item
Kemtec Determining Molar Mass by Colligative Properties Kit guides students to design an experiment to resolve "what is the lowest temperature at which road treatment containing calcium chloride would be effective?. It consists multiple solvents and solutes, both ionic and molecular while allows students to investigate all aspects of freezing point depression including solvent freezing constant, van's Hoff factor and molar mass. Kit accomplishes the AP required inquiry component while determining important applications of freezing point depression in everyday life. *AP and Advanced Placement are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.Features
- Additional equipment required: hot plates, analytical balances, thermometers, and basic lab supplies
- Meets AP science Practices 2, 3 and 5
Multiple Solvents and Solutes
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High School
Contains No Allergens
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