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NewPath Learning Photosynthesis and Light Reactions 3-D Model Kit, 1 Teacher Guide and 5 Student Guides

Image for NewPath Learning Photosynthesis and Light Reactions 3-D Model Kit, 1 Teacher Guide and 5 Student Guides from School Specialty
Item #: 2087424
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About This Item


Models are powerful tools for teaching science as they provide useful simplifications of structures and processes, helping to make the unseen seen and the complex simple.

Using this innovative, easy-to-build model, your students will learn how chloroplasts capture light energy and use it to synthesize sugars and other biomolecules. They will also see how water is split when photons strike photosystem II and follow the electron carriers to photosystem I as ATP and NADPH are produced.

The set covers non-cyclic photophosphorylation, the Z scheme, NADPH synthesis, how the proton gradient for ATP synthesis is made. It also looks at the structures of the photosystems and cyclic photophosphorylation.

The Model Making Kit includes enough materials for students to assemble up to 5 paper models working cooperatively. The comprehensive Teacher Resource Guide included provides illustrated readings, activities, key vocabulary and an assessment, along with teaching opportunities for students to Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend and Evaluate their understanding of the concepts presented.

  • 5 Sets of Student 3-D Model Templates
  • Teacher's Guide
Shipping Details
Shipping Type: parcel
Free Shipping: true
Maximum Age: 18
Maximum Grade Level: 12
Product Dimensions: 14 x 10 x 0.5
Grade Level: Grades 6-12
SUOM Description: Each
Brand Name: NewPath Learning
Description: Photosynthesis Model
NewPath Learning Photosynthesis and Light Reactions 3-D Model Kit, 1 Teacher Guide and 5 Student Guides