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Science First Colony Counter

Image for Science First Colony Counter from School Specialty
Item #: 1436880
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About This Item


Science First Colony Counter consists of a grid of 12 by 12 squares, each 1 cm on a side. Microorganisms are far too small to count with the naked eye and hence to offer easy counting of colonies colony counter is used. Place your sample of microorganisms into a petri dish and place it on the lighted base. Arranged in an "X" pattern from corner to corner, the squares are broken down into nine smaller squares, each one third of a centimeter on a side. Add these counts together and divide by the number of squares counted, this will yield an average colony count per square. Take five or ten squares at random and count the number of colonies in each. This colony counter contains lighted base, counter overlay and instructions.


  • Assists in the counting of microorganisms
  • A great supplement to your science class or laboratory
  • Included instructions help guide students in the hands on activity
  • Lighted base illuminates samples for easier viewing
Shipping Details
Shipping Type: parcel
Free Shipping: true
Maximum Age: 12 years
Allergens: Contains No Allergens
Certifications: Not Applicable
Grade Level: Middle-High School
Safety: Caution Icon. CHOKING HAZARD - Small Parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.
SUOM Description: Each
Brand Name: Science First
Description: Colony Counter
Science First Colony Counter