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Fitness FUNZONE Trail, 24 Physical Activity Stations
About This Item
The affordable and permanent solution that makes physical activity accessible to everyone all the time! One of the best strategies for getting children more active is to change the environment and making physical activities easy and convenient. The Fitness FunZone Trail consists of 24 physical activity stations which can be configured to meet your needs. Simply scatter the stencil activities throughout a playground or park and let the fun begin! The Fitness FunZone Trail includes QR Codes for each activity, allowing the option to place these QR Codes on signs directly next to the activity to provide direct visual instruction for the whole school or community. *Customer required to sign and return one-site only licensing agreement prior to delivery of the product. Fitness FunZone Trail Includes: twelve 3 feet fitness durable plastic Stencils, twelve 3 feet jump durable plastic stencils, QR Codes to scan with smartphone to see demonstrations of each activity, site license, suggested layouts, and 6 cans of contractor quality white spray paint.
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Contains No Allergens