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GuidingLine Traversing Wall Panel System Module, 20 x 10 Feet, Plywood
About This Item
GuidingLine Traversing Wall Panel System Module measuring 20 x 10 feet is featured with 18 non-duplicated Skill Spectrum 90 handholds. Panel is built using furniture-grade Scandinavian plywood and are factory finished to insure quality. The red line indicates traverses and will never drop more than 3 feet onto the gym mats. Guiding Line traversing wall panel has been perfectly patterned for customer installation, requiring the drilling of 4 wall-anchor holes per 4 x 4 feet or 4 x 5 feet panel. This panel is designed to provide a pathway to physical success for those who lack the upper-body strength required for pull ups, because the workload required for lifting and support can be distributed between arms and legs.Features
- Guidingline traversing wall panel has been carefully designed for customer installation, requiring the drilling of 4 wall-anchor holes per 4 ft W x 4 ft H (1.2 m x 1.2 m) or 4 ft W x 5 ft H (1.2 m x 1.5 m) panel
- As an added bonus every panel is pre-cleated to guarantee that the installed panels sit far enough away from your wall
- The red line indicates in traversers in will never drop more than 3' or 3' 6 in to the gym mats
- Comes complete with 18 non-duplicated SkillSpectum 90 handholds
- Students should not move feet above the line without teacher's permission
Shipping Type:
non parcel
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Contains No Allergens
Maximum Grade Level:
Middle School
Product Dimensions:
20 x 10 ft