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ThinkFun Math Dice Junior
About This Item
ThinkFun Math Dice Junior Kid's First Mental Math Game is designed for ages 6 yrs and up and is ideal for classroom as well as tutoring use. Hands-on tool to build number sense as well as early math skills. It comes with a 12-sided die, five 6-sided dice, scoring track and game-go bag to store game pieces. Great complement to ThinkFun's ever-popular Math Dice! Designed for 2 or more players. Roll the 12-sided target die to get your target number and roll the five 6-sided scoring dice. Combine the scoring dice using addition and/or subtraction to match the target number, moving one space on the scoring track for each die used.Features
- Great for classroom and tutoring use
- Hands-on tool to build number sense and early math skills
- Store game pieces in bag
- (1) 12-sided Die
- (5) 6-sided Dice
- Scoring Track
- Game-go Bag
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Grade Level:
Early Childhood-Elementary
Contains No Allergens
Conforms to ASTM F963