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Learning Resources Write-N-Wipe Fact Family Board, Pack of 5
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Learning Resources Write and Wipe Fact Family Board measuring 10 inches high comes in triangular format to provide a powerful method for building number fact fluency and teaching fact families. Front side of the board focuses on both addition/subtraction while the reverse side focuses on multiplication/division. Math-fact triangle board is designed to support the development of higher-level algebraic skills that include equation building, the commutative property and problem solving. Both the sides of the board has write and wipe surface. Pack of 5.Features
- Sold as a Pack of 5
- Features a durable write and wipe surface on both sides
- Traditional, triangular format is great for teaching number fact fluency and fact families
- Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Ideal for students in grade 1 through grade 4
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