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NewPath Learning Math Curriculum Learning Module, Grade 5
About This Item
Each Math Curriculum Learning Module provides a complete set of resources designed to support teacher instruction and student mastery of 25 standards-based topics, leveled by grade. Used in combination or individually, the resources provide detailed instruction of key curriculum concepts listed through a blend of technology-based instruction combined with hands-on review/reinforcement and game-based learning. Each Learning Module includes: a Curriculum Mastery Game, Flip Chart Set, Visual Learning Guide Set and 1 Year Online Learning Subscription with access to Math games, interactive activities, quizzes and more! Providing comprehensive coverage of current state and national standards, the Curriculum Learning Module is the perfect resource for differentiated instruction, learning centers, small groups, individual review and as a classroom resource. Topics covered: Whole Numbers to Millions; Compare and Order Numbers; Place Value; Equivalent Fractions; Compare & Order Fractions; Order Decimals; Less Than, Greater Than; Percents as Fractions/Decimals; Common Factors; Multiply Three Digits; Divide Three Digits; Order of Operations; Simplify Fractions; Add/Subtract Fractions; Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide Decimals; Algebra; Perimeter; Geometry Classification; Plot Points; Measurement; Elapsed Time; Angles; Data Analysis; Exponential & Scientific Notation; and Ratios.Features
- The Grade 5 Math Curriculum Learning Module provides an engaging, program featuring both hands-on & online supplemental learning resources
- Features enough materials for up to 36 students to play simultaneously
- Includes a Curriculum Mastery Game, Flip Chart Set, Visual Learning Guide Set and 1-Year Online Learning Subscription
- Covers 5th Grade Math standards-based topics including: Number Theory; Operations; Statistics & Probability; Algebra and more
- Ideal for Differentiated Instruction, Learning Centers, Small Groups, Individual Review & as a Classroom Resource
Grade 5 Math Curriculum Learning Module Includes:
- Curriculum Mastery Game with materials for up to 36 students
- Flip Chart featuring 10 laminated, double-sided charts with background information & “write-on/wipe-off” exercises
- Set of 10 laminated Visual Learning Guides, each focused on a different, standards-based topic
- FREE 1-Year Premium Subscription to NewPath Online Learning Platform featuring games, interactive exercises, quizzes and more!
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Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5
Contains No Allergens