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Saddleback Timeless Classics Sample Set, Set of 34
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Saddleback Timeless Classics Sample Set includes 1 each of 34 titles. Books in this sample set are all adapted classical fiction. Reading Level 3.1 to 5.2. Lexile Level 430L to 710L. Grade Level: 3 to 12.Titles Include: Adventures of Huck Finn, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Around the World in 80 Days, Call of the Wild, Captains Courageous, Christmas Carol, Count of Monte Cristo, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Dracula, Frankenstein, Great Expectations, Gulliver's Travels, Hound of Baskervilles, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Jane Eyre, Jungle Book, Kidnapped, Last of the Mohicans, Man in the Iron Mask, Moby Dick, Oliver Twist, Pride & Prejudice, Prince & the Pauper, Red Badge of Courage, Robinson Crusoe, Scarlet Letter, Swiss Family Robinson, Tale of Two Cities, Three Musketeers, Time Machine, Treasure Island, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, War of the Worlds, White Fang
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Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12