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Legend Fitness Olympic Bar, 86-3/4 Inches, 45 Pounds, Light Knurl
About This Item
The Legend Fitness Olympic Bar has great strength, sleeve spin, and whip characteristics. This, coupled with high quality construction, make this one of the best values on the market for an Olympic barbell. Bright zinc plated sleeves and a black zinc plated bar. Low rise knurling. Each sleeve features long 16.5-inch plate load areas, a 1-inch thick collar, and dual Oilite bushings that provide just the right amount of spin. This bar exhibits a medium amount of whip during Olympic movements and carefully selected alloys keep everything strong and straight. Minimum tensile strength of 190,000 pounds. Minimum yield strength of 175,000 pounds. Bar diameter is 28.5 millimeters. Ships fully assembled. .Features
- Light knurl texture
- 28-1/2 mm bar diameter
- Dual snap ring ends per sleeve
- Maximum tensile strength: 190K
- Maximum yield strength: 175K
- Olympic - powerlifting marks
- Medium whip
shipping 10-12 weeks
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Free Shipping:
Product Weight:
45 lbs
Maximum Grade Level:
High School
Product Dimensions:
86-3/4 in