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Kemtec AP* Determining Molar Enthalpy Using Hess's Law Chemistry Kit
About This Item
Kemtec Determining Molar Enthalpy Using Hess's Law Kit features state of the art instructor's manual that consists background material, easy to follow stepwise protocols, assessment questions, sample data, modeled calculations and an answer key. It is perfect for Honors or AP Chemistry and procedures can easily be branched or used as collaborative lessons while students compare lab results to standard values. calorimetry lab utilizes reliable reactions as students measure temperature changes, determine the calorimeter constant and finally calculate the molar enthalpy of formation for magnesium oxide using Hess's Law. *AP and Advanced Placement are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.Features
- Additional equipment required: thermometers, balances, basic lab supplies, and styrofoam cups
- Meets AP science Practices 2 and 7
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