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Innovating Science Properties of Antacids Kit
About This Item
Innovating Science Properties of Antacids Kit contains manual and student study guide copymasters. It helps students in learning about some of the common active components in over-the-counter antacids and to investigate the rate of acid neutralization.Features
DOT Info:- Small quantity exemption 173.4
- THIS PACKAGE CONFORMS TO 49 CFR 173.4 for domesitic highway or rail transport only
Kit Includes:
- 5 x 30mL Hydrochloric Acid, 1M Solution
- 2 x 30mL Universal Indicator
- 2 x 30mL Bromothymol Blue, 0.5% Aqueous Solution
- 1 x 60mL Antacid #5, Liquid
- 1 Pkg/7 Antacid #1, Tablet
- 1 Pkg/7 Antacid #2, Extra Strength
- 1 Pkg/7 Antacid #3, Tablet
- 2 Pkg/2 Antacid #4, Tablets
- 1 Pkg/15 Graduated Plastic Pipettes
- 2 Pkg/50 Universal Indicator Strips
- 90 Disposable Medicine Cups
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12