FOSS Third Edition Motion, Force, and Models Complete Kit, Grades 4 to 6
Bridging research and practice, FOSS Third Edition Modules engage students and teachers in enduring experiences that lead to deeper understanding of science and engineering concepts, as well as the natural and designed world. The Motion, Force, and Models Module for Grades 4 to 6 focuses on the physical science concepts of motion and force. Students will get to observe different systems, consider energy movements, and develop models to explain how something works.
In this Motion, Force, and Models Complete Kit with 4 hands-on investigation activities, students will: ask questions about systems in the natural and designed worlds including pendulums, springs, pulleys, and ramps and balls; design and conduct controlled experiments to find out what variables affect the transfer of energy; use data and logic to construct and communicate reasonable explanations about forces and motion; work with others as scientists and engineers to create conceptual and physical models to explain how something works; and plan designs, select materials, construct products, evaluate, and improve ideas to meet specific criteria.
- Investigation Guide: this core instructional tool provides educators with the support to help students successfully facilitate the investigations
- Teacher Resources: this book guides teachers in how the elements of FOSS work and provide notebook and assessment masters
- Equipment Kit: specifically designed, durable equipment and materials in FOSS lead to successful investigations for 32 students and up to 3 class uses
- FOSS Science Resources: a book that includes student readings that connect students' firsthand experiences to informational text
- FOSS Technology: access to a one-stop online resource for eBooks, eInvestigations Guides, videos, virtual investigations and tutorials, online assessment, and much more
- Investigations Guide:
- Investigation 1: Motions and Variables
- Investigation 2: Balls, Ramps, and Energy
- Investigation 3: Springs and Energy
- Investigation 4: Models and Designs
- Teacher Resources
- 32 Science Resource Books for Students
- Nonconsumable Equipment
- Consumable Materials for 2 Class Uses