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Evan-Moor Math Skill Sharpeners, Grade K
About This Item
Skill Sharpeners: Math activity books provide colorful and engaging math practice to develop children’s math and problem-solving skills. Perfect for review and enrichment, the themed art in each activity motivates children to have fun while learning and creates a positive math experience. Downloadable teaching guides and easy-to-follow instructions provide support to parents with tips to help struggling children. Each math unit includes an engaging theme that captures children’s interest with real-life problems and colorful visuals to help them solve word problems. Completely updated to reflect grade-level standards, the new Skill Sharpeners: Math activity books are the perfect resource to improve children’s math skills and problem-solving strategies.Features
- Common core top Pick for Math: measurement and data, numbers and operations in base 10, geometry, operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Provides practice for the following mathematics skills: read numbers to 20, write numbers to 10, count objects, add and subtract numbers to 10, add and subtract doubles to 20, sizes and numbers, identify and continue patterns, give the value of a set of pennies, recognize pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, solve simple word problems, identify basic shapes
- 1 Workbook
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