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PCI Educational Publishing Survival Signs Worksheet
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PCI Educational Publishing Survival Signs Worksheet gives students written practice in learning the functional meanings of 80 outdoor and indoor survival signs. The worksheet formats helps participants learn to recognize the international symbols and/or the written words on the survival signs. These worksheets are a boon to the learners with limited reading skills, as it is filled with large illustrations of the sign to help participants. 200 reproducible worksheets is easy to follow and the survival signs are introduced in groups of five. As participants become familiar with the first group, additional signs are added to the worksheet program. The sooner the 10 signs are completed in the program, review worksheets mix up the survival signs for more challenging practice. It continues until 80 signs have been taught and reviewed. Also includes a sturdy 3 ring teacher's binder that contains instructions to guide while teaching.
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18 years
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