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WhisperPhone Element XL ClassPack, Grade 5 and Above, Pack of 12
About This Item
WhisperPhone Element XL Class Pack Listening Center designed for grades over 5 features battery free, dishwasher safe, reversible for either ear, Title I and Reading First funds qualified. Handheld WhisperPhone is a hands-free acoustical voice feedback headset that focus and hear characters more clearly, sold as 12 per pack.Features
- Sold as a Set of 12
- Provides acoustical voice-feedback that enables learners to focus and hear themselves
- Perfect for the tactilely sensitive who prefer to hold their WhisperPhone rather than wear a headset
- Designed to fit, with a sleek, modern design
- Battery free, dishwasher safe and reversible for either ear
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Free Shipping:
Product Weight:
0.44 lb
Product Dimensions:
2 L x 1 W x 9 H in
Product Length:
2 in