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Achieve It! Authentic Spanish Collection, Grade PreK, Set of 32
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These engaging titles entertain and connect with students using figurative language and personal stories. Written in Spanish and developmentally appropriate for preschoolers.
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Authentic literature is natural writing that comes from the heart and is written for enjoyment, not for leveling. These titles use rich vocabulary, figurative language, and personal experience in order to accurately represent the authors and their customs. Titles include:- ¡Buenos dias, Anita!
- ¡Cuánto me quieren!
- ¡Quiero chocolate!
- ¿Donde esta mama?
- ¿Que Dia Es Hoy? Libro Sobre Las Formas
- ¿Que Idioma Hablan Los Animales?
- Animales muy normales
- Brocha y pincel
- Celebra el Cinco de Mayo con un jarabe tapatío
- Celebra el Cuatro de Julio con Campeón, el glotón
- And 22 more titles ...
- Set of 32, Grade PreK, ISBN: 9781682888223
- Reading Level A to M
- Rich vocabulary & Figurative language
- Personal experience to accurately represent the authors and their customs
Includes:32 Books
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Maximum Age:
5 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade PreK