Delta Science Modules Properties Complete Kit, Edition 3, Grades K to 1
Comprehensive, affordable and effective, Delta Science Modules Edition 3 (DSM-3) Kits provide an inquiry-based, hands-on approach to teaching a specific science topic through the use of activities and investigative equipment. Delta Science Modules Properties Complete Kit helps students to explore and develop the capacity to classify and sort by color, size, shape and texture with the use of their hands and eyes. They will work with balances and other equipment to compare and contrast objects by weight, buoyancy, magnetic attraction, and material composition. As students practice distinguishing and grouping objects, they will also build two vital vocabulary skills: describing and explaining.
Along with the kit activities, the Properties Delta Science First Reader will further introduce students to the concept of matter and some of the properties that distinguish one object from another. They will: read about the properties of solids, liquids, and gases; observe that some objects sink while others float and that some objects are magnetic while others are not magnetic; discover about how a geologist uses properties in her work; and read about how water can change.
Delta Science Modules Edition 3 (DSM-3) consist of a total of 59 assorted kits ranging from Grade K to 8 levels, each with a step-by-step teacher guide, student readers, 12-14 interconnected activities, and enough equipment to serve up to 32 students. Select kits also contain a pre-paid coupon for Living materials. Educators have the flexibility to have students follow the detailed activities that are provided, or customize their own curriculum plan with the equipment provided.
- Delta Science Modules are all-inclusive comprehensive science kits ranging from Grade K to 8 that investigate key science topics through the powerful combination of hands-on activities and rich content-area reading
- Comprehensive teacher guide provides background and key points for all 13 hands-on activities, as well as page-by-page suggestions, review questions, standards correlations, and writing links for use with Readers
- Science Readers for students include informative, engaging full-color photos, text, and graphics that present key information and vocabulary about the science unit (Think About…), science careers or historical biographies (People in Science), and high-interest articles or selections (Did You Know?)
- Each kit includes a thorough 3-part assessment and a Unit Test so you can accurately gauge your students' mastery of the concepts and key vocabulary
- DSM-3 kits can support your current curriculum with the step-by-step hands-on investigations, or tools can be used to tailor your own science program to meet your various students' needs, topics of interest, and state and national standards
- Equipment Kit for 32 Students with Thirteen Hands-On Activities:
- What Are Properties?
- Describing Properties
- Size and Color
- Shape
- Texture
- Weight
- Properties of Solids
- Properties of Liquids
- Properties of Gases
- Sink or Float?
- Magnetism
- Comparing Minerals
- Guess My Property
- 1 Teacher Guide in Three-Ring Spiral Binder
- 1 Readers Big Book: Properties
- 8 Copies of Nonfiction "Properties" First Reader (16-20 Pages Each) for Grade K to 1