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Shell Education Leveled Text-Dependent Question Stems, Grades K to 12
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Shell Education Leveled Text-Dependent Question Stems Book for grades K through 12 presents various text-dependent questions that help to enhance students understanding ability.
About This Item
This teacher resource enables students to study broad concepts, such as text structure and point of view, as well as analyze the overarching themes, concepts, arguments, and claims presented in texts. Written at a variety of grade level ranges, these text-dependent question stems allow teachers to differentiate content so all students can access and understand the concepts explored. Question stems can also be used to correlate to the Common Core and other state standards.Features
- Study text structure, point of view, analysis of overarching themes, concepts, arguments, and claims presented in texts
- Compare and contrast multiple texts on a variety of topics
- Scaffold learning by giving students multiple levels of the same questions to allow them to improve their comprehension independently
- Differentiate content with text dependent question stems written at a variety of levels for grade ranges K to 1, 2 to 4, 5 to 8, and 9 to 12
- 1 Book
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Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12