Moon Landing Paperweight

This is a fun and simple activity that can be wrapped into a study on solar systems. Simply ask students to do a little research and select interesting facts to accompany their moon landing paperweights.
Supplies Needed
- White DAS<sup>®</sup> Air Hardening Modeling Clay
- Red and blue Prang<sup>®</sup> Washable Art Markers
- Prang<sup>®</sup> 5.5 mm Triangular Colored Pencils
- Prang<sup>®</sup> Crayons
- 2" x 6" white paper strip
- Craft stick
- Pot or vegetable scrubber
- Bottle cork
- Ticonderoga<sup>®</sup> Pencil
- Prang<sup>®</sup> Glue Stick
- Index card
Have a student fold the paper in half lengthwise and draw an American flag on both sides.
Instruct student to unfold the paper, spread glue on the plain side, and then wrap the flag around one end of the craft stick.
Next, have student mold a lump of clay into a half sphere and set it on a surface flat-side down.
Have student use the scrubber to roughen the surface of the clay; then press the cork and the pencil into the clay to make craterlike impressions.
Have student press the craft stick into the clay to display the flag. Then allow the clay to air-dry.
Finally, assign each student a topic from your solar system studies. Have your students review their textbooks and other research materials to select eight to ten interesting facts about the assigned topic. Have students write these on a large index card to accompany their paperweights.
Safety Tips
- Caution students that clay is not to be eaten.
- If students get paint or marker on their hands, have them wash with soap and water.